WordPress 3.8 Parker update : What’s new?

WordPress.org announced yesterday with a blog post the latest version of WordPress web publishing software, WordPress 3.8 a.k.a “Parker”. I am a long time WordPress user and just finished installing the WordPress 3.8 Parker update and I really believe it when the guys at Automattic said that this version of WordPress is the

most beautiful update yet.

Existing WordPress users can update directly from their dashboards and those who wish to download can do so from the below download link.

download wordpress 3.8 parker update



This version of WordPress has been named “Parker” to honor Charlie Parker, the leading person behind development of Bebop and a really influential jazz musician. With this update the WordPress dashboard would never be the same as before.

Let’s take a look into the new features introduced by the WordPress 3.8 Parker update:

wordpress 3.8 parker update overview

  • Modern look inspired from flat design: This new version of WordPress allows for a refreshing change from the old dashboard which was a pain to look at for long hours. With only limited grey and blue colors, the previous versions of WordPress were not at all eye pleasing.
  • Beautiful and clean typography: The new version uses Open Sans typeface. This is reader friendly font suitable for both desktop and mobile users. This font is free to use and modify i.e. open source just like WordPress.
  • Superior Contrast: The new version has even greater legibility than its predecessors. With better contrast than before the new WordPress is easily navigable, as well as allows easy reading.
  • 100% responsive dashboard user interface: No need to worry if you don’t have the WordPress app. Now even your mobile browser is fully capable of handling the WordPress dashboard.
  • High Definition scalable Vector icons: WordPress is now sharper than before because the pixel based icons have been replaced by Vector icons which adapt according to the screen size. The icons give an added benefit of making the page load faster.
  • wordpress 3.8 update new colorsDifferent color schemes: Now this is one of the most cool features according to me. Having to look at the same colors would have made things boring in a month or so. But this time we have been given the ability to choose from different color styles for the dashboard.wordpress 3.8 parker update color schemes
  • Enhanced Theme management: The new theme management console allows to look at all the installed themes in an easy manner. We can also use the keyboard keys to navigate between the installed themes and preview them.
  • Better Widget placing mechanism: Widget placement has been updated. You just now need to tap a widget to add it on touchscreens. Now the need to drag and scroll has been minimized as things have changed with the new design.

WordPress 3.8 Parker update : The beautiful surprise.

wordpress 3.8 parker update twenty fourteen theme
WordPress 3.8 Parker update : The brand new Twenty Fourteen theme.

The Twenty Fourteen theme is a brand new magazine theme which has been bundled with this version of WordPress. Now no need to find a beautiful magazine theme which is WordPress SEO friendly too. The theme has three widget areas, a grid style display or a slider style display to display featured posts on homepage. I just can’t imagine all the beautiful child themes that can be made using this theme!

The future looks bright for WordPress. I had started to think that it might loose the best CMS race to many new beautiful platforms like “Ghost” out there. But it doesn’t seem that anything of the likes would happen anytime soon.

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

WordPress 3.8 Parker update : What’s new?

4 thoughts on “WordPress 3.8 Parker update : What’s new?”

  1. Hello,

    The new updated version of wordpress looks simply awesome, I wasn’t aware of this new update and after reading your post I just updated all my blog’s.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. The best thing about the new wordpress update it’s very compatible for mobile and the accessibility through mobile is simply fast. And another thing is color, brilliant colors after a long time at wordpress dashboard.


  3. This is the best WordPress update ever. The admin panel is just awesome and colors making it more attractive. The theme WordPress giving away with this update is of Pro quality.


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