Instagram might remove Like count from posts!

Fixing the social dopamine rush now, Ehhh?

Instagram might be onto something as new unearthed code reveals that they might be testing a new feature. The number count of likes that you have on your Instagram posts might soon disappear for others as Instagram has been working on a design prototype. Such a design change will most probably take off social pressure from a lot of people. Now people are free to like a post but only the one who posted something can see the final number of likes.

instagram to hide like count from future posts

By hiding the total number of likes from other people Instagram forces the users to like something only when they genuinely care about it and not just follow a herd.

This will also make sure that people are more generous when doling out likes as they won’t be affected by others and their opinions regarding a certain post.

This information was found out by a reverse engineering master Jane Wong who spotted the source code change in Instagram’s official Android app.


As opposed to the current design, the new design would hide the total number of likes on any post from others. But these numbers would still be visible to the creator of the post.

Instagram wants “your followers to focus on what you share and not how many likes your posts get.”

An official Instagram representative has further commented that the company is not testing this update right now, but reaffirmed that the company is always “exploring ways to reduce pressure” on the users.

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Personally, we would love to see this change being rolled out. It might mean shutting down of shop for a lot of Instagram Influencers and others who see Instagram as a business. But such a move would be welcomed with open arms by anyone who sees likes and follows just as a metric.

So what do you think? Are you excited about such an update? Do let us know in the comments section below!

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Ketan Jha is an aspiring writer who loves everything beautiful and is always eager to inspire and motivate people! He loves the latest gadgets and technology!

Instagram might remove Like count from posts!

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