iPhone 12 Banned in France Over Radiation Concerns; Belgium and Other Countries to Launch Investigations

Well who knew the iPhone 12 actually had issues!

On September 14, it was reported by Reuters that Belgium’s deputy minister of digital economy, Mathieu Michel, expressed his intention to request an analysis from the telecom regulator regarding the iPhone 12’s compliance with radiation exposure limits.

This comes after France halted sales of the device due to concerns about radiation levels exceeding permissible limits. In response to the situation, Apple released a statement claiming that the iPhone 12 has been approved by various international organizations and meets global safety standards.   france flag map inspire2rise

However, France remains firm in their decision to suspend the device’s sale until further notice. Meanwhile, Germany and the Netherlands have also launched investigations into the issue.

Mathieu Michel emphasized his commitment to ensuring public safety and promptly contacted the relevant regulatory agency to request an evaluation of the potential hazards associated with Apple’s product.

Additionally, he requested reviews of all Apple devices and products from other companies. The debate surrounding mobile phone usage and its impact on human health has been ongoing for years, with numerous studies conducted to determine the extent of any potential risks.

While there has yet to be conclusive evidence of negative effects, the World Health Organization acknowledges that more research is needed to fully understand the topic.

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I am a SAP consultant. An IT engineer from New Delhi, I love social media and insights into human behaviour and why people do what they do!

iPhone 12 Banned in France Over Radiation Concerns; Belgium and Other Countries to Launch Investigations

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