Samsung launched the “Galaxy Tab A9+ Kids Edition” tablet in January this year. This version uses a customized shell and comes with a 15W charging head and a stylus. The official announcement states that the tablet has been officially launched overseas and is priced at US$270, currently about INR 22,623 or RMB 1,942.
Samsung Galaxy Tab A9+ Kids Edition tablet released overseas: Snapdragon 695, colorful drop-proof case, $270
According to reports, this children’s version of the Galaxy Tab A9+ is actually a customized UI and colorful anti-fall shell based on the original A9+ tablet released in October 2023.
The tablet parameters are as follows.
For comparison, the Chinese version of the tablet is priced at 1,399 yuan:
- SoC: Qualcomm Snapdragon 695
- Screen: 1920×1200 resolution 11-inch IPS screen
- RAM: 4GB
- Storage: 64GB
- Rear camera: 8MP
- Front camera: 5MP
- Battery: 7040 mAh, supports 15W wired charging
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