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Mann Deshi Launches WhatsApp Chatbot to Deliver Financial Literacy and MBA Modules for Women in Rural Maharashtra!

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The Mann Deshi Foundation launched a dedicated WhatsApp chatbot in Marathi today to provide millions of women across rural Maharashtra easy access to its digital and financial literacy tools. The chatbot was Inaugurated by Dr Neelam Gorhe, Dy. Speaker Maharashtra Vidhan Parishad at the fifth Mann Deshi Mahotsav which is presently underway from 5th to 8th January 2023 at the Ravindra Natya Mandir in Mumbai. 

Dr Gorhe mentioned that while WhatsApp was already a commonly used medium among rural women, the introduction of the Chatbot would provide further impetus to their access to digital information. 

The Mann Deshi chatbot on WhatsApp aims to enhance financial literacy and digital inclusion across underserved communities. In addition to financial literacy, the chatbot will also provide users with business education at their fingertips by offering access to Mann Deshi’s digital MBA program. The launch of the chatbot also marks Mann Deshi’s 25th anniversary, an important landmark in the organization’s journey towards empowering rural women to achieve financial independence and aligns perfectly with WhatsApp’s commitment to digitally empower underserved communities and democratize access to technology and drive social impact at scale. 

The chatbot will allow women all over Maharashtra to freely access Mann Deshi’s modules on financial literacy, digital literacy and the Deshi MBA by simply sending ‘Hi’ to the WhatsApp number +91 8623875478. They will instantly receive a comprehensive learning guide with modules on each topic, which will help to strengthen business skills and unlock the true potential of women entrepreneurs, empowering them with greater self-reliance, power and freedom over their businesses and lives. 

Commenting on the launch of the chatbot, Shivnath Thukral, Director, of Public Policy India, Meta, said, 

“WhatsApp has been at the forefront of delivering innovative technology solutions that have the potential to power social impact in the country and we’re proud to support Mann Deshi in its efforts to educate and empower women across rural Maharashtra. WhatsApp’s easy, simple interface makes it one of the first digital gateways for millions and through this chatbot will enable women to access digital and financial literacy tools and scale equitable learning solutions, accelerating India’s vision of a digitally inclusive nation.”  

Chetna Gala Sinha, Founder, of Mann Deshi Foundation & Mann Deshi Mahila Bank, said, 

“As we celebrate 25 years of empowering women, we’re excited to launch the Mann Deshi chatbot on WhatsApp that will provide women in rural Maharashtra the necessary financial and digital tools to educate, enable and empower them in today’s digital world. WhatsApp’s simple and accessible platform has been empowering Mann Deshi women over the years to build a thriving entrepreneurial ecosystem and this chatbot is yet another step to offer these women essential resources to achieve digital and financial independence in a digitally-forward world.”

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I am a SAP consultant. An IT engineer from New Delhi, I love social media and insights into human behaviour and why people do what they do!

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