Android 15 Enhances Hearing Aid Support with Bluetooth LE Audio

Android 15 introduces improved hearing aid support and compatibility with Bluetooth LE Audio, enhancing user experience and battery

On May 30, Google announced that the upcoming Android 15 update will significantly enhance support for hearing aids. This update will enable the use of hearing aids compatible with the Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) Audio standard.

google hearing aids

Since the release of Android 10 in 2019, Google has been incorporating hearing aid support into its operating system.

These devices help amplify environmental sounds and facilitate clearer hearing for users.

With most sounds now emanating from smartphones, many hearing aids also support Bluetooth connections for activities like listening to music and watching videos.

However, traditional Bluetooth connections consume a lot of power, which is problematic for hearing aids that need to be operational throughout the day.

To address this, companies like Apple and Google have developed proprietary hearing aid protocols based on Bluetooth LE.

Apple’s Made for iPhone (MFi) protocol, introduced in 2013, and Google’s Audio Streaming for Hearing Aids (ASHA) protocol, introduced in 2019 with Android 10, are examples.

Despite the availability of various hearing aids compatible with MFi and ASHA, fragmentation remains an issue.

To improve this, Android 15 will support a standardized method for transmitting audio via Bluetooth LE, enhancing compatibility for hearing aids.

Additionally, the update will offer improved hearing aid management features, including quick settings options, the ability to change presets, and the ability to check hearing aid battery levels.

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Android 15 Enhances Hearing Aid Support with Bluetooth LE Audio

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