Google Co-Founder: Google Glass Launched Too Early, Perfect for AI Era

Sergey Brin admits Google Glass was ahead of its time but believes it’s ideal for today’s AI advancements.

Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, stated in an interview after this year’s Google I/O conference that the release of Google Glass was premature. He emphasized that in the AI era, smart glasses would be a perfect choice.

During the Google I/O conference, Google unveiled a mysterious glasses product named Project Astra, described by Brin as the “perfect hardware” for AI. He mentioned that this hardware is akin to a killer application a decade in advance.

Brin first showcased Google Glass at the 2012 Google I/O conference. The product was offered to testers in 2013 and went on sale in 2014 for $1500. It allowed control via voice commands or a side touchpad, enabling users to send messages, take photos, and record videos.

However, Google Glass was deemed a failure due to the lack of a “killer app,” poor battery life, subpar camera quality, and inaccurate voice recognition.

Brin acknowledged the timing misstep, expressing a desire for better timing. He believes smart glasses are essential in various scenarios, such as cooking or exercising, where holding a phone is inconvenient.

At the recent Google I/O conference, Google announced and demonstrated Project Astra and unexpectedly revealed an AR glasses project.

In a video demonstration, an assistant named Gemini recalled the location of the user’s glasses, showing advanced AI integration.

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Deepanker Verma is a well-known technology blogger and gadget reviewer based in India. He has been writing about Tech for over a decade.

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Google Co-Founder: Google Glass Launched Too Early, Perfect for AI Era

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