OnePlus 7 Pro all variants leaked, with pricing details and more!

All news for OnePlus 7 Pro variants and buying options!

If you have been following us since some time you must know that we were amongst the first to leak OnePlus 7 Pro price in India.  But Indian leaker Ishan Agarwal has recently posted some more details about the OnePlus 7 Pro which is worth discussing. Here are the details on OnePlus 7 pro all variants which are going to launch!

According to his post which has been linked below there will be three colour variants for the OnePlus 7 Pro Almond, Mirror Grey and Nebula Blue.

oneplus 7 pro india price leaked online

The pricing would start at INR 49,999 for the 6 GB RAM and the 128 GB storage variant. It would be  INR 52,999 for the 8 GB RAM and 256 GB storage variant. And finally the price is expected to be INR 57,999 for the 12 GB RAM and the 256 GB storage variant.

Now it all seems great on paper but the thing is we are not sure how much compromises OnePlus has made on the 7 Pro. Or is it an all out flagship experience this time? If that’s the case then that might justify the price hike.

The pricing might change at the last moment as nothing is written in stone till the time the launch event happens. So we might see some further price changes down the road. As for now we have a more than clear idea that the OnePlus 7 Pro isn’t going to be affordable at all. Especially for a lot of Indian buyers a higher than 50K INR price bracket is really intimidating.

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Maybe the Poco F2 will save us later on!

So guys what do you think? Is this exorbitant pricing justified? Or should OnePlus undercut the price a little more in order to stay really competitive? Only time can answer this question. Do let us know what you think in the comments section below!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

OnePlus 7 Pro all variants leaked, with pricing details and more!

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