Textaphrenia | Neo Age Texting Disease

What is TextraPhrenia? Are you suffering from it? And is there a cure?

Textaphrenia disease


Before defining Textaphrenia, We would like to ask -Have you heard this term before? Well, I am 100% sure that most of you haven’t. So what’s this talk all about why the fuss? Because this disease is something that will become too prevalent in the days to come.

So what exactly is Textaphrenia?

“Thinking that you have heard a text message tone or vibration but there is no message in actual”. This is a mental disease.

This is a psychological and behavioral disease that is spreading very quickly among teenagers and all youngsters who use their cell phones extensively. I am certain that more than 90% of the population doesn’t know what Textaphrenia actually is. This is the main reason that they are satisfied and do not stop themselves from getting into this addiction.

Proper awareness should be given to youngsters to avoid this disorder because it can have serious repercussions and can also disconnect one from society due to strange and annoying unacceptable behavior.

These are some sentences that can explain  Textaphrenia in a more plausible manner.

 ”Waiting for a text back, then realizing you never sent yours! Textaphrenia”

“I feel vibrating in my pocket even when i don’t have my phone with me”

“I Have Textapherina. . Either I Hear My Phone Ring, I Check It Every Thirty Seconds, Or I Feel It Vibrating When It Really Isn’t.”

From the above sentences, you might have now understood what is this Textaphrenia disorder and that it can really affect you and your life.

Textaphrenia disease
The New Age Silent Killer!

Definitions of Textaphrenia disease or Textiety disorder. :-

Textaphrenia has many definitions which may vary from person to person.  Some people may define it as “Text messaging disease”.

“Thinking that you have heard a text message tone or vibration but there is no message in actual”.

These are the two mainstream definitions of  Textaphrenia which just tell us what the disorder is exactly like on the surface. You can also share how you will define Textaphrenia as per your own experiences or knowledge.

(You are reading - Textaphrenia | Neo age texting disease )

Following are the different common terms used for Textaphrenia. :-

The following list is of different terms used for Textaphrenia. Some of them are valid but most of them are invalid because these terms are due to lack of proper knowledge as well and many of them are due to spelling mistakes.

Here is a list of all the terms that are being used to represent Textaphrenia. :-

  • Textaphrenia
  • Textaphernia
  • Texaphrenia
  • Textaphrneia
  • Textaphrania
  • Textaphrenic
  • Textaphrinia
  • Textaphrnia
  • Textaprehna
  • Textiety
  • Textofrenia
  • Textophenia
  • Textophernia
  • Texaphrenia

All these terms represent Textaphrenia which is a common behavioural change in which the patient thinks that he has heard or felt the vibration of a mobile device but in reality, there is nothing like that.

How to check whether you are suffering from Textaphrenia or not?

Frankly, there are very less people who know about Textaphrenia. Because many people do not know about it that implies that they don’t know whether they are suffering from this disease or not.

There are many assessment methods for the confirmation of this particular disease. I just read about a person saying that He felt vibrations in his pocket even when he had his cell phone in his hands. This is the worst type of Textaphrenia according to me.

There are many other stories like this.

Some of the general assessment methods are as follows. :-

If you check your cellphones and you have messages about 8 times and no messages about 2 times then you are going to suffer from this disease in the near future.

Many people keep their cell on silent mode but they still hear their text message tone. Some people think that they have got a text message when someone else’s cell phone rings or vibrates.

(You are reading - Textaphrenia | Neo age texting disease )

The cure?

Because this disease is so new there has been no extensive research in this regard. For now, the only possible cure that is in sight is to limit the usage of cell phones. New-age diseases like Textaphrenia are a sign of the unhealthy technological habits that we people have nowadays. Self-control seems the only plausible cure as of now.

True isn’t it?

Stay tuned for more!

What’s your take, let us know in the comments section below.

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Textaphrenia | Neo Age Texting Disease

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