Survey Shows Nearly 4,000 Americans Lost Their Jobs in May as AI Begins to Take Away Human Jobs!

We are not panicking (nervous chuckle)!

Challenger, Gray & Christmas, a prominent US-based consulting company that specializes in talent flow, recently released a report indicating that in May, nearly 4,000 jobs in fields related to creativity, administration, and clerical work disappeared due to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI).

According to a report from Challenger, Gray & Christmas on Thursday, over 80,000 workers in the United States were laid off in May, representing a 20% increase from the previous month and nearly four times the number of layoffs recorded a year earlier. The report revealed that AI was responsible for 3,900 of these job losses, accounting for approximately 5% of all unemployed individuals and ranking as the seventh most frequently cited reason for layoffs by employers in May.

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Companies are increasingly embracing advanced AI technology to automate various tasks, such as creative writing, as well as administrative and clerical work.

Analysts at Bloomberg Intelligence predict that the AI industry will grow to over $1 trillion, driven by significant technological advancements that became evident after the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT in the fall of last year.

The Washington Post recently reported that two copywriters lost their jobs because their employers or clients believed that ChatGPT could perform the same job more efficiently and at a lower cost. Some media outlets, such as CNET, have replaced reporters with AI to write articles, which later had to be corrected for plagiarism issues.

Earlier this year, an eating disorder helpline that used chatbots instead of human workers who were part of a union had to take its bot offline after it provided people with questionable diet advice. In March, investment bank Goldman Sachs predicted in a report that AI may eventually replace 300 million full-time jobs worldwide and impact almost one-fifth of all employment, particularly in fields that are traditionally considered immune to automation.

White-collar jobs, including those in administrative and legal professions, have been among the hardest hit by this trend. Despite these challenges, analysts believe that generative AI, like other technologies that have replaced human workers in the past, will also create new jobs in a nascent industry that is just starting to take off.

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Jitendra vaswani is the man behind Bloggersideas. He is an SEO geek, passionate Blogger, WordPress lover, web enthusiast, a tech lover, writer and an Internet para-addict! Jitendra always love to explore more on Internet Marketing terms. He is a keen learner and always loves to experiment on his blog.

Survey Shows Nearly 4,000 Americans Lost Their Jobs in May as AI Begins to Take Away Human Jobs!

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