Apple’s New FineWoven Accessories: Look Cheap and Have Prone-to-Scratch Designs

Lots of users online have started criticizing these new accessories from Apple as being the worst ever.

Apple recently declared that it would cease selling leather accessories, boasting that their cutting-edge “FineWoven” series of iPhone protective casings and accompaniments are friendlier to the environment.

However, it appears that the outside world’s initial appraisal of Apple’s novel fabrics inclines toward the unfavorable.

According to Apple, the innovative tissue is constructed from robust, exceedingly fine twill filaments and displays a delicate, supple texture reminiscent of suede. The prices range from 299 yuan for the AirTag fine twill keychain, 479 yuan for the fine twill iPhone safeguarding cover, and 779 yuan for the Apple Watch band.

Nevertheless, several consumers appear incensed by the iPhone’s finely interlaced twill defensive sheath’s perceived subpar quality. Multiple participants on the MacRumors discussion board claimed to have returned the shielding enclosure.

An Internet User observed,

“Upon receiving it in person, it felt similar to an Amazon product with a value of ten.”

It’s inexpensive and doesn’t appear particularly “Apple-like,” especially given the exorbitant cost. Another individual concurred, stating,

“Feels insubstantial; akin to cardboard”;

prompting a return.

iphone case new return

Various social media users are expressing disappointment on Twitter. An individual stated, “Have used Apple covers since iPhone 7; never returning one so quickly as the FineWoven case ordered last Friday.” Trash-like appearance characterizes the FineWoven version.

reddit post new iphone case

A Reddit participant shared their experience, saying, “It essentially resembles a polyester cushion sleeve encased within a plastic covering.” While not detesting it, paying sixty dollars seems presumptuous. To which another Redditor responded, “Same here”; the material exhibits a pleasant tactile sensation, yet the cases do not justify the price tag.”

Alison Johnson, Editor at The Verge, was among those delivering the harshest critiques, labeling the revamped iPhone protection “utterly dreadful.”

She condemned these novice items for readily exhibiting signs of deterioration and accumulating debris such as lint and fingernail scratches, which can leave persistent marks. Johnson argued that the FineWoven accessories represent a decline in quality compared to their leather counterparts.

the verge iphone case post

Despite these criticisms, some consumers have expressed satisfaction with their FineWoven purchases. For instance, a few Reddit users mentioned that although the material isn’t luxurious, the cases and straps still seem sturdy and well-made.

Moreover, they appreciate the eco-friendliness of the new line. In reaction to negative feedback, Apple has taken action to address concerns regarding the quality of its FineWoven products.

They released a statement assuring customers that their design and production processes adhere to rigorous standards, emphasizing the importance of sustainability in their operations. Additionally, they have extended their return policy to allow dissatisfied patrons to exchange or return their FineWoven items.

As with any new product release, opinions surrounding Apple’s FineWoven accessories vary. While some people find them acceptable, others feel let down due to their premium pricing and perceived lack of quality.

Nonetheless, the technology behemoth continues to strive towards reducing its environmental footprint through cutting-edge innovations.

What do you think about Apple’s decision to switch from leather to fine woven materials? Do you believe it’s crucial for companies to prioritize sustainability in their business practices and product development? Share your thoughts in the comments!

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Ketan Jha is an aspiring writer who loves everything beautiful and is always eager to inspire and motivate people! He loves the latest gadgets and technology!

Apple’s New FineWoven Accessories: Look Cheap and Have Prone-to-Scratch Designs

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