The OnePlus 7 launch event is still two weeks away. But details and OnePlus 7 launch event leaks have already started rocking social media. Recently popular Tech YouTuber LinusTechTips did an oopsie on Twitter. In a now deleted photo post he revealed the additional products that would be launched on May 14 along with the OnePlus 7 and the OnePlus 7 Pro. OnePlus Bullets Wireless 2 headsets along with OnePlus warp car charger are expected to launch along with the OnePlus 7 and the 7 pro devices.
Here are the now deleted images from the original post which confirm the existence of these products!
So what do you think? Are you really excited about the Bullets Wireless 2? The original OnePlus Bullets wireless were a great product. Though the sound wasn’t exactly flagship grade but it made up for that with the awesome design and the phenomenal battery life.
The OnePlus Bullets Wireless 2 would most probably improve upon an already good product to reveal something better. At least that’s what we expect from OnePlus at this point of time!
The OnePlus WARP car charger would definitely be a unique product as there aren’t many car chargers out there which can boast of charging a device from 0-100 in under 40 minutes. So we are waiting with a bated breath for the launch of all of these products!
More details would reveal themselves on the 14th of May! So what do you think about these new products? Do let us know in the comments section below!
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