Key to build a successful Startup : Build a routine

What is a successful Startup? The answer to this question may vary from person to person, investor to investor and from one speculator to another. What exactly are the parameters on the basis of which we can classify a startup as a successful startup! What is it that makes a startup unique and better than others. And how can you make sure that your startup doesn’t fade away and withstands the test of time till it becomes a true value proposition and a profitable venture. The answer to all of these questions may vary from person to person, expert to expert but one thing is key everywhere and in every piece of advice. That is ROUTINE.

Every successful startup follows a set ROUTINE that was formed either in it’s initial days or later on. That routine will surely vary in every startup as the working conditions, the founders, the employees and overall work culture are different everywhere.

So what should a successful startup routine be like? Here are a few quick tips!

  • Employees get early to office. Every one, especially the founder.
  • No uncalled for breaks and minimal distractions/announcements during work hours and minimal external disturbances at the workplace make a good foundation for an excellent startup routine.
  • A coordinated break for everyone to walk around and relax. It should be made non skippable and of at least half an hour so as to promote movement, as being stuck on a chair for the whole day is actually detrimental to the productivity/general health of startup workers, no matter how young or energetic they are! 😉
  • Employees should be made to have a personal stick on board or space in front of them where they can write their own personal goals and targets and it makes really easy for people to collaborate as well as remember things.
  • In a startup you will find that everyone does everything i.e. there are no fixed defined roles written in stone. Everyone should make the most of this to level up over the course of their work tenure. A great startup is one where the employees never stop learning and being more than what they were the day before.
Learn more about  Xiaomi generates employment for more than 50,000 people in India!

Have a look at this graphic by us for more ideas on awesome startup routine schedules!

[sociallocker]Key to build a successful Startup Build a routine- Inspire2rise[/sociallocker]

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Key to build a successful Startup : Build a routine

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