Batman vs Superman: The dawn of justice trailer sets the Internet ablaze

Batman is an almost everlasting character. You associate anything with Batman it’s sure to grab eyeballs and set the cash registers ringing. The overall appeal and likeability of Batman arises from that fact that he’s shown as a flawed human being who gains control of himself in order to do the right thing, keeping aside the fact that how difficult that might be or how much pain/sacrifice is involved. The scale of Justice provided by Batman is something that people tend to fall for. An almost idealist working in a non-idealistic world. Sure as hell this was supposed to be an article about the new Dawn of Justice trailer but I guess it became just another Bat-fan post! :v

Batman vs Superman The dawn of justice trailer, new batsuit
The awesomely cool new bat suit, the eyes remind us of Iron man though! 😛

So what you waiting for folks, here below is the new trailer for the upcoming 2016 film which would be a direct sequel to the Man of Steel by Zack Snyder and a precursor to the Justice league series that DC wants to create. I bet Marvel bosses are not too happy as someone else is trying too hard to cash in on the superhero market! 😛

For the Superman fans out there, yay you are gonna see Supes get beaten to pulp in this one! 😛 Because, na na na na na na Batman.

So, did you watch the trailer, what are your views?

Honestly, I was impressed when Batman said

“Tell me do you bleed? You will!”

Keep visiting for more awesome movie trailers and remember we cover everything under the sun!

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Keep visiting folks! 🙂

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Batman vs Superman: The dawn of justice trailer sets the Internet ablaze

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