Sony Pictures to Use Generative AI for Cost-Effective Filmmaking

Sony Pictures explores generative AI to enhance efficiency and reduce costs in film production, highlighting its potential applications and future negotiations with unions.

Sony Pictures hopes to use generative AI to enhance cost efficiency in filmmaking.

On June 2, according to “The Hollywood Reporter,” Sony Pictures CEO Tony Vinciquerra announced at an investor meeting that the company is highly interested in generative AI and is considering incorporating this technology into the filmmaking process to streamline production.

Tony Vinciquerra stated,

“We will explore how to utilize AI to create films for theaters and television more efficiently.”

Currently, tools like OpenAI’s text-to-video model Sora are causing concern in Hollywood, as such tools may potentially reduce the need for crew members and talent.

Reports indicate that Vinciquerra’s remarks show the film studio’s ongoing pursuit of deploying generative AI technology, despite constraints from union contracts.

Sony issued an official statement today outlining the advantages and future plans for targeting the AI field as follows:

  • Cost Reduction: The primary motivation for using AI is to seek higher production efficiency to counter the industry’s rising costs.
  • Promising Applications: Vinciquerra envisioned various AI applications, from analyzing scripts and scenes to optimizing locations and visual effects.
  • Negotiations and Agreements: Vinciquerra mentioned recent agreements with unions like IATSE and Teamsters, emphasizing that AI will be a crucial point in future negotiations.

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Sony Pictures to Use Generative AI for Cost-Effective Filmmaking

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