How to Turn Good Press Into Great Sales

When you start working on a plan to get publicity for your business, you probably spend a great deal of time thinking strategically about how you plan to reach out to the media and how you’re going to sell them on covering your business.

You brainstorm angles, prep your CEO to give interviews, and invest time and money into professional photos that reporters and bloggers can use with their stories. You’ve thought of everything — that is, except for one thing.

Do you have a plan for what you’re going to do with the media coverage once you get it? Beyond sharing it with your mom and all your friends, that is? Although it’s exciting to see your business’ name in print and all the great things that the writer says, it’s even more exciting to see a bump in sales as a result of the coverage.

And though in many cases, a business will see an uptick in customers and sales after positive media coverage, that boost is often temporary. For that reason, and to maximize the return on the work you’ve done to get PR coverage, you need to have a plan to leverage the press into more attention for your company.

1. Share the Coverage on Social Media

Whether your business is featured in the local newspaper or a national magazine, or if it just gets a tiny mention on a well-known blog, share that news with your social media followers.

Not everyone who follows you on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram will see the coverage, so sharing gives them a heads up and gives them a chance to engage with you, even if it’s just a like or a “congratulations!”

More importantly, sharing your good press on social media makes it easy for your followers to share with their friends and followers, expanding your reach.

2. Add the News to Your Website

Including links or excerpts of media coverage to your website will add credibility, and help in your SEO efforts as well. Include a banner or image on your homepage with the news outlet’s logo and “As Seen On/In,” with links to the coverage.

Include a mention of the coverage in the “About Us” section of the site, as well. If you’re a sole proprietor, or if the article features a member of your team prominently, add a note to their bio, both on your website and their LinkedIn profile.

3. Send Coverage to Clients and Prospects

Positive media coverage can be exactly what someone on the fence needs to decide to buy from you. A glowing write-up in any publication gives your business credibility, and that can get prospects to pick up the phone or click “buy.”

How to Turn Good Press Into Great SalesHow to Turn Good Press Into Great Sales

At the same time, it can provide reassurance to your existing customers that they have made a good choice, which may even drive them to send referrals your way. When you get PR coverage, then, send a follow-up email to your prospects letting them know about the story, with a few choice quotes and a link to the full story.

4. Blog About the Coverage

Just because you received coverage on another news outlet doesn’t mean you can’t toot your own horn a bit and expand on the story a little bit. Did a camera crew come to your business and film you in action?

Consider blogging about what happened that day, and the experience your business had. Would you like to add some more information to the story that the reporter left out? Blog it! If you’ve received inquiries since the piece appeared, consider a blog post that answers the most common questions you’ve received.

Not only can you share news about your coverage on your blog, but you can also give your audience more information that can spur them to buy — just don’t forget to include a call to action in your post.

5. Use Coverage to Get More Coverage

Finally, consider using the media attention you get to attract more attention. You don’t want to pitch the same angle, but if you received a glowing review, or the piece tells your story in a compelling way, don’t be afraid to mention or share a quote or two with other news outlets. Again, coverage creates credibility, and the more press you get, the more sales you’ll make.

Amplifying your media coverage can help you leverage it into sales, and help build word-of-mouth and interest in your business. Don’t be afraid to talk about the coverage you’ve received and share your excitement.  You’ve worked hard to get to this point — now it’s time to show off.

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

How to Turn Good Press Into Great Sales

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