Ultimate Guide on How to Get Traffic From Pinterest

Pinterest is the hotbed of image sharing on the Internet. Though image sharing is huge on Facebook too image sharing as a means of traffic acquisition is something that you can do greatly only on Pinterest. Every blogger out there is busy searching for ways, how to get traffic from Pinterest.

Creating a Pinterest profile is simple, easy, and of course free. As a blogger having traffic from a vast variety of sources is always a good thing and it’s one of the few things that help in maintaining a penalty-free blog. As you already know Google frowns upon many Bloggers these days who are not transparent and genuine in their traffic acquisition strategies.

Inspire2Rise guide on How to get traffic from Pinterest

When it comes to driving traffic to your blog, Pinterest is a site that many people miss out on. One of the main reasons is that many writers and upcoming bloggers are under the impression that Pinterest is only for those businesses that have a visual attribute to it.

For Example: A fashion blogger can post her daily outfits for the world to see, and a photographer can post his/her pictures. But that is where many of us undermine Pinterest’s capabilities. By following some quick tips, you can divert major traffic to your website via Pinterest

  1. Board is basic

The board is everything on Pinterest! A proper board with the right description tells people what you are and what you do. So first of all, make sure to name the Board as same as your blog. It makes it easy for the followers of your blog to find you on Pinterest and follow you.

how to get traffic from pinterest

Also, nobody has time these days honestly to go through one full page just to figure out what your profile is about. So make such a board that can grab anybody’s attention within a minute.

  1. Board what you are

I have come across a lot of people’s profiles wherein they are simply posting junk which is not even remotely related to their blog or website. So simply create boards that relate to your business and market. For Example; I write book reviews, so I make sure to create a board for my TBR and another board for my book reviews that I post on my blog.

  1. It’s all about pictures

And this is the part where many people misunderstand Pinterest. They think that it’s all about pictures and in my business, I don’t need pictures. But do you know that visuals are more appealing than content to anyone? You can post pictures of any kind of business that you have.

For Example: I post pictures of my books on Pinterest. But pictures that are set in backgrounds can prove that almost all the time I am reading books and talking about books. So try and click good pictures, post them, and get over the misconception!

How to get traffic from Pinterest build relevant boards
How to get traffic from Pinterest: Use relevant image content!
  1. Sharing is caring:

In the blogging world, networking and engagement are everything. As an upcoming blogger, I know how important it is to reach out to people and get to know what they want out of your blog. So make sure to engage with your followers and fellow interest users as much as you can.

So that they get to know about you and also you get to know something new from them. If you really think someone’s pin is really great, like and re-pin it. You can also re-pin articles that your followers may like to read.

  1. Contest to spice up

The contest is a great way to engage with your followers and fellow bloggers. You can simply start running a contest and pin it up on your board for your followers to see. For Example: To celebrate my 500 followers on Pinterest, I can plan and arrange a book giveaway for a Series of “Song of Fire and Ice’’.

  1. Personalize:

Your followers should know who is behind that amazing Pinterest profile. So once in a while post personalized pins too. I sometimes post a book selfie and also post my blog contributors’ pictures to show the real person behind all the hard work.

How to get traffic from pinterest, personalize and promote
How to get traffic from Pinterest: Personalize to promote!
  1. Article Pins:

So article pins are the new thing on Pinterest! Article pins share more data than a regular pin and automatically include information like headlines, author, and summary as well. If you want, they can also showcase a logo and byline image! Pin what you are best at!

  1. A little SEO is the cherry on top

No, we don’t want you to become a full-fledged SEO, but little SEO tips will never harm you. Simple rules like using relevant keywords to describe your blog post and including hashtags in case you are not able to include the keyword properly.

Keep visiting for more such how-to guides, gadget reviews, blogging tips, and lifestyle tips, and remember we cover,
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Shreya Verma is a Bibliophile, food lover and a wild child! Currently working as an HR professional and trying to make a name in this big world!

Ultimate Guide on How to Get Traffic From Pinterest

7 thoughts on “Ultimate Guide on How to Get Traffic From Pinterest”

  1. Hi Shreya,

    Glad to see your tips on how to drive traffic from pinterest. Google gives more value for who has more repin of his content. It’s very useful so as to add Pin it button for each picture in your weblog submit.

    Thank you for your tips on Article pins which i learned from here. I will follow your tips to drive visitor from pinterest and also for increase re pin of my content.

    Kind Regards
    Yasin Rishad

  2. Hi Shreya Vaid,

    Pinterest is very good resource to drive massive traffic but it is not easy, we need to work on regularly and optimizing our pins and boards. You have shared a great guide. It is very useful for all those person who are looking for ways how to increase traffic using pinterest.


  3. Oh thank you Shreya for your article, We can get more traffic from facebook and Google+ ,but this is something new to me. Thanks to your tips. I wish I can drive more traffic from Pinterest to my blog one day.

  4. I like to follow your tips, I didn’t get much traffic from other websites. I’m expecting to get more traffic from Pinterest by following the tips. Thank you for this informative post.

  5. Great article – I’ve written a guide on leveraging sales from Pinterest that could be of interest! Do check it out too!

    www dot itpages dot com slash how-to-leverage-sales-from-pinterest

    Thank you, Tom


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