How to Manage Your Blogging Schedule Along With Your Studies

Blogging is one of the great alternative career choices of this age. There are those who earn a wholesome living through blogging and then there are those who blog to pour their heart out on the web and thus every blogger has assigned a separate meaning to blogging.

Blogging as a form of expression is a powerful art in itself. But for those who blog in their free time whilst studying in routine colleges, and schools or pursuing any other higher forms of education, finding the time to blog becomes a major issue.

People start off with their blogs but later find that pursuing their education on which they have spent so much of their time and money is more important to them than continuing with the prospect of blogging and maybe making it big in the near future! So how to manage your blogging along with your studies?

How to manage your Blogging along with studies: Tips.

There are many things to keep in mind when you aim to pursue a career in blogging along with managing your studies. I share these tips with you as I am on the verge of completing my bachelor’s degree and I have been blogging ever since I stepped into college.

So I am sharing some of the tips, some of which I used a lot and some of the below-mentioned tips came from my observation of how the systems of life and our own minds work.

  • Make the most of your time at the start of the day!

    This statement implies that try to get most of your writing tasks related to blogging done at the start of the day. Early morning is the best time to write articles trust me the ambiance and freshness are something that helps to write even big pieces with ease. If you get started early then the whole of your day would be as productive as going to college/school or work and then blogging after you are back at home tired after the whole day’s ordeal is a very tiresome task.

  • Make a list of topics you find to blog about.

    Once you find what you want to cover keep adding subsequent titles to your list of posts to cover in order to make sure that you have an endless list of stuff to write on and make sure that you set a deadline for whatever you want to do that way you won’t be bogged down by an endless burden of growing work.

See more: Top fifteen Android apps for bloggers

  • Make use of all the spare time and bunk/missed classes.

    Whenever a teacher is absent, or for some unforeseen reason your class is canceled then don’t loiter around and waste time. Either go to the Internet Lab of your institution, or the library or work on your own device with the internet and using any connection you can find, get to work. Successful blogging requires you to give in a lot of time, and moments like these are precious and allow you to get ahead of the curve.

  • Decide what kind of studies are you comfortable with.

    Do you wanna be a know-it-all or just enough marks to make the cut types? If you want to be the know-it-all then you would have to give in a lot of time to the task of studying and you would need to study not only your course books but also books from other authors and several other resources in order to gain all the necessary information. But this method can take a toll on your blogging time. But in the end, it’s beneficial if your aim is to score really good marks and be thoroughly equipped with your course. Now there’s another way too, It’s not as easy or cool as it sounds but it’s a bare-bones survival method. In this method, all you gotta do is study one week before the exam. Oops, sorry for the exaggeration.

    How to manage your Blogging alongwith studies exams stress

    Study 1 day before the exam and make sure you can understand as much as possible. Try and study from the Sample papers and previous year’s questions and make sure you refer to the course book to know more about something that is complex. This method can get you seriously good marks along with an understanding as well as a mid-level skill in your course and if your course involves something you already love, for example. I have Information technology, then it would be even more helpful in the long run as you would already have a basic level understanding of everything involved!

  • Study when you are tired of blogging. Blog when you are tired of studying.

    Everything else, squeeze that in between!
    Some people might not like this idea but trust me this point of your life is not for faking it out or trying to impress people who don’t give a shit about who you are or what you do. Instead of running after fake pleasures of being accepted by groups of people make sure you make a mark of your own. As for your romantic interests, do pay attention to them! After all, we all are human beings and love is all we need! 😉

  • Make your reading list in alignment with your blogging goals as well as studies.

    Whatever you read make sure it serves your ultimate goal of blogging well and covering everything in detail as well as make sure that it’s in alignment with your studies! That way your level will only increase with each passing day!

  • Make the most of your commute/daily travel.

    If your college/place of study is somewhat far from your home and your daily commute takes considerable time then make sure that you make the most of it. It can either be studying during that duration or maybe listening to songs to relax your mind (that is needed to maintain full balance of mind, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy!). Or it can be blogging through whatever device you have, You can type and save drafts on your mobile or laptop and you can also do your reading tasks when you are busy in the commute!

Keep visiting for more awesome blogging tips, how-to guides, and lifestyle tips, and remember we cover,
“Everything under the Sun!”
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How to manage your blogging with studies guide by Inspire2rise!


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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

How to Manage Your Blogging Schedule Along With Your Studies

9 thoughts on “How to Manage Your Blogging Schedule Along With Your Studies”

  1. Hi bro,
    Much needed post bro. I recently saw one of your FB status which says that you bagged good grade in your last exam.
    Thank you so much bro. I will surely follow this.

  2. Hello Aditya, Thanks for your complete guideline. As well I am a Student and want to Become a Blogger that’s really helpful for me. And By reading your Article, i got motive . I was thinking Blogging may Harmful for my Study But, now i have the confidence to do Blogging with my Study continue !


  3. Hi Aditya,
    Nice one bro. I wish I was blogging during my college. But alas, I did not then know that blogs are something that exist. I only knew a site where I used to research a phone I wanted to buy.
    I love your tip about, blog when you are bored of studing and study when you are bored of blogging. really a great tip that will help many upcoming student bloggers to keep up with the studies.

    Nice timely post as exams are on the top of the head. Thanks for the tips. 🙂


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