How to Save Time on Managing Large Inventory in Magento

The success of any business is based on a flexible pricing policy. A large discount on some products that are difficult to get rid of, will save you from warehouse glut. At the same time, in case of a shortage of goods, this trick will allow you to earn extra money doing next to nothing.

A classic example is the fans and heaters. If there is an abrupt change in weather in spring and autumn, groups of people burst into stores and sweep the products from the shelves. The price is not a very important factor at such moments. The upshot is clear – the faster you react, the higher profit you get.

With the growth of the business the product range. Perhaps, you can barely monitor the prices for each item separately. So, competitors are already making money, and you are only at the beginning of the list to change the prices?

“Black Friday” has now passed and will come again the next fall and you are prepared to spend all night at the computer? If the answer is «yes», then applying all the needed changes in bulk (even cross-sells!) would be a good choice for you, right?

How to save time on managing large inventory in Magento

If you’re using Magento, then Mass Product Actions from Amasty is a good choice. It will allow you to place goods into categories and groups according to your wishes. You can add one product or even several products to some group and remove them from it at any time. Besides, you will be able to change the prices of all goods of the group in a few clicks. It is very useful, isn’t it?

The module provides a number of extra features: for example, a batch job with photos and descriptions of the goods. This process is also time-consuming. Again, you can highlight or emphasize some products within a category, if you need to hurry to sell them.

In addition, many store owners are familiar with the situation, when the vendor has ceased to produce a whole range of goods (for example, last year’s wear collection), or you refused to cooperate with an unreliable provider. In these cases, it is necessary to remove a large quantity of goods from the online store.

Mass Product actions fulfill this function too: select the products on certain features and delete them in one click.

One can certainly say that cross-selling in Magento greatly simplifies life for all who do not want to waste time and effort.

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Ketan Jha is an aspiring writer who loves everything beautiful and is always eager to inspire and motivate people! He loves the latest gadgets and technology!

How to Save Time on Managing Large Inventory in Magento

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