What is the Microsoft Student Associate program

Microsoft opened up the registrations for Microsoft Student Associates – MSA’s India program. For all the students who have a keen interest in technologies offered by Microsoft, who are adept at using social media platforms and those students who are active parts of their college communities the MSA program has a wide array of benefits. The MSA enables students to develop communication and leadership qualities in them.

be a part of microsoft student associatesThe Microsoft Student Associate of any college will the Microsoft representative in his/ her own college. They will be involved in student promotion activities, organizing interactive sessions and workshops. Be involved in making a larger community by bringing in more students from other local colleges and making them aware about the benefits of this program and Microsoft Technologies. Your contribution will further help in industry wide development and give a boost to the education system in campus.

How Microsoft has impacted my life?

I am a windows user since time immemorial. My computing skills have been born and brought up on this very platform. From Windows 98 to Microsoft Windows 8.1 I have used them all. ( And yes I use paid genuine software! 😛 )
The amount of difference the ease of computing can bring into any individual’s life is overwhelming. The easy access to technology opened up my mind, and that’s one of the main reasons why I am a blogger. Microsoft does with it’s technology which Apple can’t. Apple as a company might provide good software but it’s only for the high tier of the whole planet’s technical ecosystem.
While Microsoft on the other hand doesn’t even disable people running non activated versions of Windows in India and China because it believes that sales can be made but the easy access to computing must be ensured for everyone to keep the rich-poor divide in the society in check! Though it may seem a part of everyday life, if Microsoft’s technologies and products were to be removed in an instant and everyone was forced to work on Linux or OS X then the future of computing for all would be doomed, because not everyone would bother to move to a system that costs a bomb to them, or to a system that they don’t fully understand!

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How I plan to bring a change to the society being a Microsoft Student Associate?

Once I become a Microsoft Student Associate I will do all that is required in order to make Microsoft technologies more understandable and easier to use for people from all walks of life. I will spread awareness about this program and latest Microsoft offerings in my campus and nearby colleges.
Apart from this I will be more awesome than I am right now, and this will definitely bring a positive change to the society. ( P.S. : If this won’t work I don’t know what will! 😛 )

What is the difference between a Microsoft Student Associate and a Student partner?

A Microsoft Student partner can be thought of as a step above Microsoft Student Associate. The Student partners are experienced people, developers, coders etc. whereas MSA can be anyone who is passionate about technology and this program is available for all the students studying in a graduate environment and not just limited to Science or Engineering courses.

If you are interested you can apply here, though it seems that the registration will close soon.

Apply here.

So fellas now you know what you gotta do, so go on!
Stay Inspired to rise!

See more – Microsoft Windows phone 8.1 review.

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

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What is the Microsoft Student Associate program

2 thoughts on “What is the Microsoft Student Associate program”

  1. This new initiative from Microsoft, focuses on developing leadership qualities of students in their campus. Drive student outreach and learning initiatives by hosting activities like workshops, boot camps etc.


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