Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now

On March 20, Nokia announced it’s latest players in the mobile market. The Nokia Lumia 520 and Lumia 720, it said that both phones would be available by mid-April throughout India. So now Nokia has five Windows Phone 8 devices in India, which are from budget to top high end. But Nokia Lumia 520 is the icing on the cake in WP8 range as it’s great value for money. So we bring you Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price, so that you can decide for yourself. Personally, we at I2r Inc. are bored of clunky iOS and Android interfaces. Windows phone 8 is something that has the promise that Apple had when it first brought the iOS in the mobile market.

Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now.

[icon name=icon-phone]Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price:

Nokia Lumia 520 has a S4 dual core Snapdragon 1 GHz processor, 512 MB RAM and 8GB internal memory. It also allows for micro SD card which can up the storage up to a whopping 64 GB. The Nokia Lumia 520 has a 4 inch IPS display and a resolution of 480×800, giving 233 ppi pixel density. The phone has only a primary 5 megapixel camera without flash. But considering the build quality that Nokia delivers it shoots very good pictures. PRICE : The price of Nokia Lumia 520 is around 10,500 rs. And it may vary depending on where you buy it from. But it’s expected to stay between 10k-11. Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price Inspire2rise

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[icon name=icon-ok-sign]Who should buy the Nokia Lumia 520:

Those people who don’t have much money to spend. Those people who are just entering the smartphone world. And those who have no idea how a smartphone works, are the ones who should definitely consider buying this. And those with a budget around 10,000 rs. should definitely consider buying the Lumia 520.
Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now.

[icon name=icon-check]Nokia Lumia 520 vs. the competition:

If we do a rain-check on the competition in the sub 10k-12k category, here are the contenders :
  • Samsung ACE
  • Xperia E (latest model)
  • LG Optimus L5 E615
  • HTC desire C
Screen : The four of these have HVGA i.e 320×480 screens, whereas Nokia Lumia 520 has WVGA i.e. 480×800 screen.
Processor : On the processor front also it beats them hands down as it has a dual core 1 GHz S4 processor which is faster with the latest architecture.
Memory : All the above phones have 2-3 gb internal memory. And they can be expanded only up to 32 GB. So, again Lumia 520 beats them with it’s more memory.
Display and build quality : Nokia Lumia 520 has ultra sensitive touch screen, which can work even with nails. And the build quality of Nokia is superb as opposed to plasticky phones by the competition.
OS : Sadly enough these phones don’t even have the current version of Android. Only Xperia E has 4.1 Jellybean. Rest are oldies. Microsoft will support WP8 platform till July 2014, and that’s a good enough reason to buy this budget phone.
Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now.

[icon name=icon-exclamation-sign]Who shouldn’t buy the Nokia Lumia 520:

Those looking for a secondary camera in their phone should definitely skip this phone . If you are an avid user of Google‘s services then also the Nokia Lumia 520 may disappoint you. There are no dedicated apps fro YouTube, Gmail etc. Even popular apps like Instagram and Flipboard are yet to arrive on Windows Phone 8. The camera though decent lacks flash, and don’t expect something out of the ordinary from it.

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Those who don’t love the awesome Live-tiles interface of Windows Phone should also skip this phone. Well it’s hard to find anyone who would dislike such an awesome UI. But still there are people out there who would prefer the icons of their Android or iOS.

Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now.

[icon name=icon-unlock]The verdict on Lumia 520:

So if you are a newbie out there looking to experience their first smartphone and are low on budget, then this phone is the way to go. It beats the competition hands down in all departments. If you love the freshness of Windows Phone 8 and have no problem with the lack of some apps, then Nokia Lumia 520 is for you. But if you consider yourself a power user and load up new roms on your Android everyday, then definitely this phone and this platform is not for you.

And if you have some more money to shell out, then we would definitely recommend the Micromax Canvas A116 HD. After all, it’s the budget android killer.

But as we at have noticed, Microsoft is like a giant dog sleeping. You mess with the dog, and it will bite you in all the right places! And now with Nokia with it, the future doesn’t seem to be hazy for them.

Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now.

Hope you would make an aware choice now. Keep the comments coming. If the Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price article was informative, then do share!
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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

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Nokia Lumia 520
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Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now

22 thoughts on “Nokia Lumia 520 specs and price : Best sub 10k phone right now”

  1. I am an avid android user, but, now about to change OS to windows 8.I personally like the Lumia design and windows 8 Panorama design specially. And i am jumping to Lumia 520, Let see, what will happen :p

  2. Nokia Lumia 520 is an awesome phone with a nice price tag. However, being so used to Android interface, it takes some time to learn about the Windows Phone 8. I’ll still stick to Android for now.

  3. I have bought this phone,few days back,and its mind boggling,without any comparison,its very cheap,attractive,stylish smart phone,any way all the phones might have few drawbacks,accept that its awesome.and i love it.

  4. 1st of all I would like to say that I will be a 1st time user of smartphone and you can understand the situation i am going thru at the moment. The entire market full of smartphone with some shouting from the hill tops about Android being better then some calling about the user friendliness of Windows is making me frankly a lot , lot confused. Your comments have helped a lot . Thanks for that.
    I have seen a Lumia 720 and been impressed by it and thus looking forward to 520. I have some small questions about Lumia 520 , maybe you will be able to help me out better.
    1) Lumia 720 has all the Apps of Gmail , Gtalk , hotmail and stuff. According to your blog 520 wont have gtalk app. Is it so??
    2) I aint a big gammer but obviously having a smart phone is bound to attract me towards that domain. Where does 520 help in that scope?
    3) Similar is the thing with limited App scope of Nokia . Would you provide an insight.
    4) Almost everywhere i read they are silent about the voice quality of these devices. I mean a mobile was actually intented to make and receive calls only. On the other hand HTC desire C is said to have a really cool audio facility in comparison to it contemporaries. Your view ??
    5) Lastly about camera / picture quality. I one word HTC Desire C or Lumia 520?
    Mostly i am confused about going for HTC desire C or Lumia 520 as have heard that Galaxy Ace has some big time lagging problems.

    Your views/comments would really be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    • I will give you a detailed answer :
      1.) On the software side, everything that 720 has 520 will also include it for sure. The unit testers who gave us the review provided us with this false info. Sorry for that.
      Lumia 520 is indeed a capable phone!
      2.) All big games are being ported to WP-8. So you can expect some pretty decent titles on showcase.
      3.) The apps are nothing. Total user experience is everything. You would get pretty much all the apps you need. It’s only the initial excitement of a phone user that causes them to install lots of apps and try them, just to find out that they aren’t so much fun. I have an Android, but I barely open more than 2 apps at a time. Some of my friends call it Lag-Droid just to make fun!! 😛
      4.) Voice quality of Nokia is the best. Trust me on this one. The call clarity on Nokia hardware is amazing. Nokia has the best hardware available on any price point in phones!
      5.) About the picture quality, I can’t say anything until I do a side by side review. My brother has the HTC desire C. I have used it, it’s a decent phone at best.
      Because it has a 600 Mhz processor. Anything beyond a limit and this phone too becomes Lag-droid.
      But still if you don’t wanna go in the Windows ecosystem, it will be the first phone I would recommend just because I love the beats audio! 😀
      I hope I helped solve your query! Stay inspired to rise. Keep visiting

  5. Hi Aditya , i am waiting for 520 since last one month i have doubt about the music quality and radio in it, on the other part it will rock. ply rply ?

  6. Hi Aditya, I almost decided to own Lumia 520… But a little confusion is bothering me…

    1. Someone said that it lacks equalizer … Is it so…?
    2. I am very keen in selecting phones… Is there any hidden problem that will ruin my faith on Nokia…?
    3. I am being somewhat skeptical because this is gonna be my first windows phone…

    So…… you know what to do…

    Thanks in advance…

    • If you have already used Android and this is your new smartphone then I would suggest you should go for it. But if you are really new to smartphone world and don’t want to taste Windows OS first hand then buy any other Android. As for hidden problems there are many being reported now :
      1.) Like : A few users complained of phone being unable to boot up after Sim change.
      2.) You can’t download songs directly from Internet explorer in the phone.
      Every platform has it’s pros and cons, the error of phone not booting up after Sim change was reported by a fraction of users.
      If you really want to try something new and refreshing, then you should go for it. And, at the end of the day it’s your decision and yours only to make 😀

  7. Hi Aditya,

    I'm looking to buy this phone. And I'm concerned as to whether this phone has Gtalk app by default. Can you clarify?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Not by default but there's a workaround for it.
      Another important thing regarding this phone is :
      You can't store your data in it ( i.e unrecognized files ) . No piracy is allowed in Windows Phone, so no illegaly downloaded music and stuff!
      I hope you get the point!

  8. Are there a lot of free apps for this phone like in the android store? Im planning to buy lumia as well. I want to know coz with my android phone, I rarely buy paid apps because there are ample of free apps in the market which are also very much useful. Please reply. I need to know. Thanks. 🙂

  9. Hi, ma budget is 10K… I m confused in what to take between Samsung s duos and Lumia 520…. i need better sound clarity while listening to music.. n gud battery backup mainly… which one should i go for ???

  10. Hello Aditya,
    I bought Nokia Lumia 610, but i have never used windows phone before and i feel more comfortable with android.Now i think i should switch to micromax canvas hd or any xperia series within price range of 15k.


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