Lessons learned from blogging : I2R guide

Now it has been over one year, since I started blogging. There are many things I learned from blogging. I learnt to be a better person. I forgave people who didn’t support my decisions. Spent days at stretch trying to figure out what needs to be done. Learned from my continuous mistakes. And so I share today lessons learned from blogging, so that every one of you doesn’t have to spend so much hard time, trying to connect the dots!

[icon name=icon-blogger]Lessons learned from blogging : I2R Blogging tips guide.

lessons learned from blogging tips1.) [icon name=icon-ok] It’s always difficult until you start.

Until you start a thing, a job, a task. It will always be difficult. Once you begin you will know that it wasn’t as hard as you had imagined .

2.)  Lessons learned from blogging : There’s always easy way and the right way.

Yes, and that’s the true story. The so called smart way doesn’t exist. And if it does exist, then eventually Karma will get back to you for having it so easily. The right way most of the times is the one which you haven’t even thought of. Or the one which seems the hardest.

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3.) [icon name=icon-thumbs-up] Lessons learned from blogging : There’s no substitute for patience and perseverance.

There’s no essential ingredient to success as much as perseverance. You must persist your efforts for something you believe in. After all, it’s your life. You don’t want to feel guilty that you didn’t give your all.

4.) [icon name=icon-graph color=icon-gray] Lessons learned from blogging : Consistency is the key.

Be consistent in your efforts. Whether it’s blogging, or life. If you want to increase your traffic, post more. If you want to increase your Alexa ranking ask more people to review you. If you want to increase your PageRank, comment more. If you want to evade the Panda, love blogging more.
[icon name=icon-star color=icon-blue]Read this top ten list to follow when you are failing constantly.

5.) [icon name=icon-group color=icon-blue] Lessons learned from blogging : Don’t be forever alone, interact with others.

I started my blogging journey alone. What I learned I taught to those who wanted to know. But I isolated myself from the community, thinking myself better. But as Mason Dixon’s coach in Rocky Balboa said

“There’s always somebody out there.”

Join Blogging communities on Facebook, Google+. There are several to get you started. Once you are part of an actively thriving community then you get more chances to learn from others.

6.) [icon name=icon-glasses color=icon-blue] Lessons learned from blogging : “Know thyself.”

– said by the Jailer in The Shawshank Redemption.  By this I mean that you should know your strengths and weaknesses. What are your strengths as a blogger?
Are you a good writer? Are you a good logo designer/graphic designer? Whatever your skill, first analyse it! And then market it properly.

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lessons learned from blogging learn lead

I would have surely written, points 7, 8 and 9. But today is my Birthday, so let me focus on my family. And that’s the final lesson for every blogger out there 😀
Always love your family, make them your first and foremost priority!

Keep coming for more! Stay inspired to rise!
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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Lessons learned from blogging : I2R guide

8 thoughts on “Lessons learned from blogging : I2R guide”

  1. blogging is easy but how to maintain a site and post to get in the competition and lead its difficult , i have learned allot from my 2008 blogging at that time Url features early in google and peoples dominates.

  2. I agree with what you’ve said, Aditya! Especially number 5, which I noticed not many bloggers are actually doing it. Many bloggers are very talented but they tend to forget that interacting with others is also part of blogging and equally deserves their attentions! Glad you learned your lesson 😛 LOL

  3. You are right. Blogging is not easy. It requires hard work and passion. Just seen your post in Techism group it was hard to believe that you still have PR 0 because you have awesome posts and backlinks too ( checked alexa ) . Keep on blogging . Never give up .. You are a good blogger with nice writing skills


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