Gamers love Windows 10, reaches record installation numbers worldwide!

Steam share for Windows 10 breaks through 70% for the first time!

Windows 10 has always seen mixed response ever since its inception. Personally, we loved Windows 10. It was lightweight, efficient and brought a more streamlined approach to the Windows operating system. Now because of the continuous improvements done by Microsoft, and as time has gone by, it has successfully become the world’s largest desktop operating system. Now Windows 10 has even begun to gradually eclipse Windows 7, the global equipment installation numbers have reached about 8 Billion now!

gamers love windows 10 logoAccording to the latest Steam hardware and software survey data, gamers have completely fallen in love with Windows 10, and its share exceeded 70% for the first time. This is far above the industry average and represents a huge win for the Windows 10 OS.

Windows 10 share percentage

In June of this year, the proportion of Windows 10 64-bit version on the Steam platform increased by 3.08 percentage points, which has reached 70.92%. At the same time, the share of Windows 7 64-bit version decreased by 2.09 percentage points to 21.34%.

In addition to these two absolute mainstream operating systems, the share of other system versions is very low and continues to decline. As of now Windows 8.1 64-bit sits at 2.74%, Windows 7 32-bit is around 1.00%, Windows 8 64-bit is around 0.22%, Windows 10 32-bit is at 0.18 %. All of these totalling at 4.14%, lost 0.39 percentage points in one month.

operating system share worldwide steam windows 10

The current share of Windows on Steam is 96.49%, and it has increased by 0.59 percentage points in the past month.

Apple’s total system was 2.75%, down by 0.51 percentage points. This was including the latest macOS 10.14.5 1.04%. The Linux system’s share totalled 0.76%, which is down by 0.08 percentage points.

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So guys what do you think about the Windows 10 OS as of now? Personally, we feel that it has definitely become more stable and usable over the years. But it still needs more work and polish before going down into the annals of history as one of the best desktop OS ever made! Do let us know your views in the comments section below! And don’t forget to subscribe to Inspire2Rise newsletter and push notifications for more such timely tech updates!

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An android fan who is often found playing Counter-Strike in his free time, wannabe photographer, Engineering Graduate!

Gamers love Windows 10, reaches record installation numbers worldwide!

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