Why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurship is the new in thing these days. Back when we started Inspire2rise Entrepreneurship was for the chosen few who had the guts and passion to go against the tide and actually stick to an idea irrespective of what the society had to say. Now as the scenario has changed, suddenly it has become cool to become an Entrepreneur. Though it seems easy for today’s Entrepreneurs to head out and face the challenges as opposed to their previous counterparts but it isn’t. These are turbulent times for Entrepreneurs because of the vast amount of information available on Entrepreneurship and every life coach guiding you on how to become a successful entrepreneur. Such vast variety of conflicting advice makes it really difficult for Entrepreneurs to find a single path and keep treading on it. Today we at Inspire2rise have an important nugget of information that will be very helpful to you during your entrepreneurial journey. Today we will tell you why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur.

Why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur: You can’t do it all.

An Entrepreneur has a really limited time. All of the time as well as energy is often focused towards attainment of a single goal, plan and idea. This often leads to loosing track of other stuff that might be necessary and time specific. For example: I am a college student and a budding entrepreneur. In order to run my own business and online entities properly, a lot of time has to be devoted. But I can’t spend all my time working as I have to study, make assignments, reports and all of the baggage that comes along with a college degree. So what’s the solution?

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I have found a simple solution. I delegate all the tasks which don’t require my direct attention/involvement to other trusted people or people who are willing to work for me for some specific amount of money. I offload the writing part to other talented people who are willing to work for some money. Core design and other activities are still under my ambit. For Cacheable.co (our website speed optimization service) a lot of behind the scenes work is divided within the team. This makes sure that only the most essential of activities take up my time.

Though there’s an initial frustration of not being able to minutely control every detail or task. But still getting some work done is better than getting nothing done in the quest for doing everything by yourself.

Why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur: Build a support/trust group.

This is the most tough task of all. To find people who would be able to do your delegated tasks without thinking that you are taking advantage of them and without being exploited. For this you need to find people whose workflow has those tasks already which you too want to accomplish. Then somehow you need to have to find what is it that drives them, is it money, is it something you can do for them? Then you have to use that thing to get your workflow eased out.

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But I have a warning, never over indulge on someone else’s trust or exploit people. This leads to souring of personal relationships and you may end up being projected as a selfish person, which you maybe are not. Most of the entrepreneurs are so driven that they naturally come across as self centered egoistical beings but the truth is they are always on the lookout for the accomplishment of their dream, and that’s what makes them appear out of place/crazy to the general public.

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So now that you have another article to read and place in your collection for advice, the final advice I would give is to never follow any advice. What works for me may not work for you and vice versa. So always follow your gut and intuition and remember we all need help sometimes!

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Why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Why delegation of tasks is essential for an Entrepreneur

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