Unconscious blogging mistakes you are making

Blogging is something which is widespread these days. I see children from 9- 11 years of age who are working on their blogs and earning big bucks from it. Blogging has become such a common profession these days for people that the number of blogging mistakes being made by novices have grown manifold. This industry has seen unprecedented growth and I believe this surge will continue for at least 4-5 years. Due to this very growth the amount of unsolicited advice and misguiding tips and tricks has risen beyond acceptable levels. So here we are on Inspire2rise with the guide to Unconscious blogging mistakes you are makingand our solutions.

Unconscious blogging mistakes : Understanding the nuances.

1.)    Set English for WordPress editor to EN-US for better ranking.

Search engines use the US variant of English by default, though I don’t have any substantial proof to back up this claim but I have learned so by experimenting a lot with it in the past. So it’s better to be on the safer side and use the EN-US English in your WordPress editor. To do so, refer to the image and screenshots below :

unconscious blogging mistakes you are making 2


Though not tested long enough but I found my posts ranked better when I had used EN-US, this was specifically applicable to high competition keywords where there was lot of rush to rank. But be warned that many words like “colour” which is “color” in U.S English, and other such words which are different can cause difficulty for you and if you are not used to writing these variants and would rather prefer to have your normal U.K English style then also you are welcome. If you switch on the EN-US spell checker it will automatically flag your words for the perceived mistakes. So, it would save you a lot of effort.

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unconscious blogging mistakes you make - indianism2.)    Excessive Indianisms and usage of words “like” and “ing” form of verb.

Indianism refers to the Indian influence over the English language. You must avoid such English at all costs, this is because though the Indian reader may understand or even like the content that you have written but to the international reader the written piece may seem alien and they might not visit your site again owing to the bad use of language.

3.)    Using too much popular jargon and using terms which the user may not be familiar with, without proper explanation.

Though trying to make your content catchy is a very good practice, but doing so at the cost of simplicity is sheer craziness. The message should get across, it may take one word, or a thousand words. The real value that has to be conveyed to the readers should reach them.

Reading now - Unconscious blogging mistakes you are making.

4.)    Not writing for the readers, i.e. writing only for SEO and ranking purposes

Spinning out article after article without any real value is one of the most annoying practices I have seen in people these days. New blogs are made daily, and instead of covering something in depth they just skim over the surface and keep going off topic. Only few genuine websites exist which help the readers and actually solve some problem. While writing an article always think whether this piece solves a question, does it actually serve a purpose or not. Once you are clear with these questions then proceed further.

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5.)    Creating a set pattern of blogging and not breaking your own personal mold or set of actions you do.

Being complacent with tried and tested strategies and missing out on the unknown due to fear of failure is one of the most shit things to do. A year ago I found a simple method to make back links, it worked like charm for three to four months but suddenly due to algorithm changes my method was rendered obsolete. I still kept using that method out of the fear of unknown and because I thought that this method worked in the past, it would work in the future too. Clinging to the tried and tested caused a great halt to my progress. Trust me you always need to keep innovating and differentiating yourselves from the other writers and service providers. If everyone starts doing the same stuff then readers would abandon all of us.

So, experiment, go forth and write something new. Make something beautiful, because the web is what we make of it.

Blog responsibly.
Stay inspired to rise!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

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Unconscious blogging mistakes you are making

3 thoughts on “Unconscious blogging mistakes you are making”

  1. Hi Aditya

    Thanks for sharing such a wonderful article here with us.

    Actually these are those mistakes which almost every blogger do.

    I had also did so many mistakes like copying articles from other blogs.

    I can remember those days when I was very much new to this blogging world and I purchased a domain name without thinking about the niche of the blog.

    I purchased the domain name and then I thought that On which topic, I should make my website then I thought that I’ll create an another Wikipedia.. Haha lol

    And I started copying articles from Wikipedia. After putting efforts so many days, When I saw that no result is coming out then I decided that I’ll make a top 10 lists site where I can list top 10 things of every topic and again I started copying articles from a site named Listverse.

    I did like this till 7-8 months because I was very much new to all this things and I even don’t have any experience of writing articles. My English was also not good.

    Haha I know It still not good But currently I am able to write few lines But at that time, It was so difficult for me.

    I did copy pasting till 7-8 months and when I noticed that I am just wasting my time and nothing then I started finding the reason behind not getting traffic on my site.

    Then somewhere I found my mistake i.e. Copying articles from other site.

    On that day, I learnt that Google never ranks copied articles.

    So I made a decision that I’ll never copy any article and will write article myself.

    In starting days, It was so difficult for me to write an article. I first write article on my notebook and then later type in WordPress.

    After doing this few days, I tried writing directly in WordPress and any how I completed my first article in WordPress. Later I continuously did practice and it became common and easy for me.

    Now I am complete able to write in WordPress directly because Practice makes perfect. Right? 😀

    There are also so many mistakes which I am still making which you have listed in this article and I am trying my best to stop doing those mistakes.

    Thanks for sharing such a great piece of content with us.

    Happy Blogging 😉


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