iPhone 6 price latest specs revealed and market strategy

The upcoming product from Apple, the iPhone6 is not a new term any way for the fans. Even most the eyes have already centred on September/October of the year considering it the most probable period for the product to get launched.
However, the latest rumour of the product to come with two different sizes seems to be having comparatively more weight. If the sources are to be believed, a 4.7 inch device may come during the end of the third quarter, and a 5.5 inch phablet may rock the shelves during fourth quarter. Again there is a twist in this story as well. It is being heard that the Cupertino Company is struggling to spot matching batteries for the 5.5 inch product. This may even lead to a long delay of complete next year!

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We all know Apple knows very well on how to answer the rivals. However, it is a fact at the same time that compromising too much hampers the brand image of the product. Hence, one thing is clear that this iPhone is going to drag a good amount from your wallet.
Analysts have been keeping their brain busy regarding the product. Unfortunately, most of them suggest that the product may get a lift in terms of price this time. It’s fine; we all know the buzz that it has created can adjust any amount. But being specific, it is expected that the product may get a price hike of around 100 dollars. With all the high-end specs the product is certainly expected to carry a higher price tag.
Revamped Screen
Among all those the rumour mills have produced, and among all those speculations, the one that is leading from the front is regarding it’s revamped screen. Not only revamped, in fact it is expected that the product may carry a comparatively larger screen than the iPhone 5.
However, we think the idea pretty much genuine as fans have always shown inclination towards a product with a larger screen.
One of the strong sources suggests that among various prototypes of the particular product, there is one with a mammoth Retina-IGZO display. If the iPhone6 finds the above display arrangement, then the users can enjoy the fabulous 1080p Full HD resolution. Maximum possibilities hold for the Gesture control to be within the probable specs. Apart from this, the product is speculated to be having latest touch ID fingerprint technology.

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We all are aware of the buzz that the Cupertino Company is planning to come up with the product with two different sizes. Now, the question arises can the company provide the above revamped display with both sizes? The challenge is certainly to come while playing with the price. It is pretty much sure that the Retina spec is definitely going to be there with the product what so ever. Unbelievable and scintillating news coming up-front is that the coming product may come with a huge 1704 x 960 resolutions.

So till next time fellas. Keep visiting Inspire2rise.com for more awesome stuff!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

iPhone 6 price latest specs revealed and market strategy

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