When Indian Bloggers meet the result is awesome

Indian Bloggers. Who are we? What do we do? What do we want? Why are we here in the first place? So many questions like always, and I will give the answers. We are one of the biggest growing online communities worldwide. We are that kid in Chennai who works from his school lab, we are the guy who bunked his college class to sit in the net lab to squeeze out some extra hours, we are the work at home mom who works on her laptop while not forgetting to feed her baby. We are everywhere, and we are here to give you something you didn’t know. To teach you something new, and to take something new from you. Every time we write we take on a new idea, a new vision, a new approach to the already existing mundane problems and we present to you, the reader with a new gem. Well this is true except for the ones spamming the life out of you! :v

When Indian Bloggers meet the result is awesome : IndianBloggers meet organized by ClicksBazaar!

For those of you who don’t know about ClicksBazaar let me give you a brief overview, ClicksBazaar Pvt. Ltd. is a company founded by Ravi Chopra an erstwhile blogger, entrepreneur and an awesome person. Don’t believe me when I tell you this, talk to him to know it! 😛 Here is an interview of Ravi Chopra on BloggingCage.com, read on to know more about him and ClicksBazaar! Now let’s move further and know about the topics covered in this meet!

When Indian Bloggers meet the result is awesome : The schedule!

when indian bloggers meet the result is awesome Introduction session by Ravi Chopra was about how people should step aside from the normal routine and exit the rat race in order to be something more than they currently are. Everyone needs to work for what they believe in rather than just randomly following others. He also emphasized on the fact that how Blogging is shaping the lives of many people and allowing them to become what they truly want to.

Then the next session was conducted by Harsh Agrawal from Shoutmeloud.com. He told us about the silly mistakes we make, about how we should know where to draw a line between personal and professional life. He also told us about some of the simple tricks that we can follow in order to amp up the scale of our blog. Amongst the many points he made, one was to have a uniform digital identity all over the web. By this he meant that a person should have a single display picture across all of his social networks. By doing so we create a uniform digital identity and it becomes easier for people to recognize us. The picture serves as our very own personal brand.

The next session was by Vipul Taneja. It was about why 99% of affiliate marketers fail. He told us that the major reasons for failure were lack of patience, lack of proper devotion of time and money in the initial stages. Apart from that the whole session was quite motivational as lots of quotes, hard hitting facts and data was used. Overall, it was a fun and inspiring session. He told us about ‘Analysis Paralysis’, which explicitly stated that lack of proper tracking and analysis leads to haphazard work and unplanned growth. Such a person is bound to fail, and even if they do succeed, they wouldn’t be able to handle the success and build momentum from it.

The next session was by Mahesh Verma from Thememonstor, this session was quite informal unlike the others and he helped everyone open up a little bit. He told us some helpful facts like how entertainment niche is the most highest earning niche for any blogger. He also told us about how bloggers need to step up from content creation and free traffic monetization strategies towards product building and sale strategies. By doing this we can create successful online businesses and stay relevant for a long period of time. This session was after the lunch break and it helped the most in waking up all the sleepy fellows!

The next session by Siddhant Satija was truly informative as he told us a lot of unknown stuff about affiliate marketing. We were told how affiliate marketing requires constant experimentation and failures too in order to reach success. We were also told about the fickle nature of affiliate marketing which stated that, “What works today might not work tomorrow! So always experiment and keep learning and don’t be stuck in a place for too long if you are failing!”

The next session was by Rohit Khuranna about life of a pro blogger in India. He told us about how pro bloggers are not very different from normal bloggers. They are different only because they earn their living from blogging and that’s why they are professional bloggers. He also told us about what it takes to be a pro-blogger.

“A long term vision along with proper planning and execution results in the birth of a pro-blogger.”

He told us some quick tips about how to be pro blogger and stand out in the already crowded blogosphere! Some of those tips are to have a unique perspective on problems and by solving problems in our own personal unique way! The next session by Rachit Mathur gave the low down of owning your own business and what are it’s benefits. We were also told about how Blogging is the stepping stone to entrepreneurship. People who start as bloggers can become successful business people too, as building a sustainable business is essential for success in the long run! Apart from these points, I don’t remember much from the session as I was sitting at the back and sleeping because of the good food that I had!

I woke up just in time to catch the next session by Abhishek Bhatnagar about Vlogging. “Vlogging” or video blogging is a relatively new term and bloggers as well as people from all over the world are realizing its power now. He told us about how to create the proper setup for gadget reviews, how to remove hissing sounds from our recorded videos. How to make videos more professional, and also how Vlogging can be made as a full time career by those who are good at creating videos. We were told about the scope of YouTube and content spread in the form of videos. The last session was by Snehil Khanoor and it was a Q&A session where in we asked questions from all the speakers who had assembled in front of us. Overall the Indian Bloggers meet was a fun affair with lots of knowledge sprinkled in between.

When Indian Bloggers meet the result is awesome : My experience.

I got to know many new people, introduced myself for the first time in a bloggers meet and yes, like always I was out there giving away my business card to people.

the most awesome man in the world business card meme
I got a chance to promote both of my businesses. I did it shamelessly! 😀

You might think it’s a foolish practice to handover business cards in this digital age. But trust me it isn’t. Read this post to know more : Why business card is important for your website The arrangement was good, the event was on proper timing. The management was good. The speakers were good. We, the audience were good and of course the food was good! 😛 Kudos to ClicksBazaar Pvt. Ltd. and I wish they conduct more such knowledge sharing events in the near future! Stay inspired to rise fellas!

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Keep visiting Inspire2rise.com fellas!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

When Indian Bloggers meet the result is awesome

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