WordPress SEO Plugin Review : WP Full SEO Review and Giveaway

WordPress is becoming the standard platform of choice for a lot of web developers these days. This is mainly because of the ease of usage of WordPress, easy editing features, ability to integrate with custom solutions, and also because WordPress uses PHP and MySQL-based systems, both of which are widely used by web developers all over and support and documentation is readily available for them. If you remember then a long time back we did a full configuration post for WordPress SEO by Yoast.

The world of WordPress plugin development has a lot of players but most of them are unorganized and lack strength in their overall portfolio. ClicksBazaar Pvt. Ltd. by Ravi Chopra aims to fill the void of the lack of good quality plugins for WordPress. One of the many plugins developed by them is WP Full SEO.

As is evident from its name the plugin helps in optimizing WordPress for SEO. But there is a catch here! The plugin does much more. So read on dear visitor as we unveil this shiny new must-have tool for the arsenal of every Blogger using WordPress. Inspire2rise brings you a WP Full SEO review and giveaway!

WP full SEO review and giveaway: The plugin and its features.

The plugin stands out from the competition because of its multiple features and easy usability because of showcasing of all the modules on one page. The same can be seen below.

WP FULL SEO Configuration - Demo site - WordPress

This is just a snapshot of the front page of this plugin, let’s discuss each and every feature in detail!

  • General Settings: The general settings page has the Introduction tour feature which offers a brief walkthrough of how to get started with the WP Full SEO plugin.
    The Home page dashboard for WP Full SEO shows a Google rank summary for the whole website and an SEO summary too.
    The General settings have a Webmaster section wherein you can enter your Google Analytic code, Webmaster tools verification meta id, Bing Webmaster tools, Alexa Verification ID, etc. for verification purposes. Apart from these the general settings also have the option to show the default author for the homepage ( i.e. the one to use for rel=”author”) and there’s also a reset button to restore default settings for the plugin.
  • Custom emails: There’s an option to enable custom email notifications. This can come in handy in times when there is some sudden change.
  • SEO summary: The SEO summary page shows a separate SEO summary for Posts, SEO summary for pages as well as a miscellaneous summary where you are given an average SEO score for the site, total rich snippets defined as well as total page/posts that have been redirected. The page and post summaries show the total number of published posts/pages as well the number of un-optimized items and the average SEO score for all of them.
  • On-page settings: There’s a title tag setting for the optimization of titles and it allows to define title attributes. Apart from the title settings, there are the URL score settings and meta tag settings.
    The content settings include further tweaking options for doing basic SEO checks while writing content. (To check for keyword decoration like making them bold, percentage check for keyword density, positioning of keyword, and a lot of knick-knacks)
    Enabling these parameters enables these awesome options on the post-editor screen.
Reading now : WP full SEO review and giveaway.
  • On-page templates: The on-page templates define specific properties for category pages, post pages, formats pages, media/attachment pages, tags, author archives, date archives, and site-wide meta properties.
    wp full seo templates wp full seo review and giveaway
    It also defines properties for special pages like the 404 page. These templates take into account the meta description for these pages, dates in the snippet, robots access privileges (no-index, follow properties), and much more.
  • Facebook and Twitter cards: These options allow us to specify Open graph tags for Facebook and Twitter cards for showing full-sized descriptive tweets on Twitter. You have to specify the Facebook app id, the Facebook local language, homepage type (mostly website), home page Facebook description, homepage image URL, and default image URL.
    The Twitter card requires you to put in the site’s Twitter username, the type of Twitter card, the image selection priority from the post, and the default image URL in case no image is found.
  • Google Keyword rank settings: This unique page allows us to check the Google ranking of our posts and we can also specify the Google country URL to check our country-specific rankings.
  • Google rank summary: The Google rank summary shows the number of posts/pages under 100 ranked in Google. Rankings for the top 5 posts in Google and the top 10 are also present.
    It also shows the increase in rankings, and decrease in rankings for specific posts and it also shows those posts for which ranking has been constant for a long period of time.
  • Backup feature: The backup feature allows you to schedule database backups and it also shows up the database size and allows us to define the email where we want to receive the database backup upon completion. We can also run on-demand database backup.
  • Social summary graph: The social summary graph shows how well our posts are performing on social media.
  • Social stats: Social stats are a bit more refined variant and show the number of shares/likes generated on social sites like Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc.
  • Sitemap options: You can enable website sitemap through the WP Full SEO plugin and check settings for pinging Yahoo as well as Ask.com and you can also define the number of entries for the sitemap page. You can also choose to exclude post types and different taxonomies.
  • Redirect options: The redirect page allows you to select redirects for different pages and the type of redirects also. For example 301 permanent redirects and 302 temporary redirects.
  • Redirection reports: This page tells us about the status of redirection setup by us and the number of times those redirects worked and for which pages.
  • Internal link settings: These options allow us to specify internal linking by defining the source to be either posts, tags, or categories and the appropriate keywords and phrases in posts as well as comments would be linked with those links.
    This is a very useful feature for maintaining link juice flow on a website and for ensuring proper crawling of a website.
    There’s an option to no-follow all external links and set them to open in a new window by default.
Reading now : WP full SEO review and giveaway.
  • Rich snippets settings: The rich snippets settings when turned on allow people to mark up their posts with specific type schemas. For example, a product review might contain a star rating and this feature helps people to rank better in SERPS (Search engine ranking profiles) and also gives a better CTR (Click through rate)
  • Load speed optimization: The load speed optimization features allow you to speed up your website using simple .htaccess codes like mod_deflate, mod_headers, and mod_expires modules. Adding these codes manually to the .htaccess file can be a real headache. This feature simplifies the implementation of simple speed tweaks.
    Though it’s no substitute for high-performance speed plugins like W3 Total cache, still it gets the job done for beginners, which is a pretty good thing in itself! 😛
  • Import SEO data: This feature allows you to import your previous data from other plugins like Yoast’s WordPress SEO, All in one SEO, or even themes like Thesis, Genesis, etc.
  • .Htaccess and Robots.txt editor: It allows us to easily edit the .htaccess file from within the WordPress dashboard and the same applies to the Robots.txt file which sets the level of access provided to the crawlers from different search engines.
  • Help and FAQ: Seriously?
    Do you need me to elaborate on this also to you?
    This is the height of laziness.
    Now that you are on Inspire2rise.com, I won’t let you go dissatisfied.
    So here’s the description of what this plugin does: It allows webmasters to contact the makers of this awesome plugin and hurl abuses at them.  (Oops not the abuse part!) It allows you to submit bug reports, suggest new features, and make your own glow-in-the-dark light saber! (well that was an overkill! :P)
 Reading now : WP full SEO review and giveaway.

Well now that you know how awesome this plugin is and what it can do; you must be really eager to get your hands on it. Don’t worry folks we have a special giveaway just for you so that you can easily get a chance to play with this plugin on your existing sites or a brand new project of yours.

Rules for the Inspire2rise WP full SEO plugin giveaway

  • Thou shalt not spam, thou shalt not resort to cheap parlor tricks to gain entries.
  • There are going to be 3 winners, one will receive the platinum license and the other two will receive a basic license.
  • The contest goes live on the 13th of August and will end on the 12th of September.
  • The contestants with the maximum number of entries would win the contest.
  • The contestant must leave a comment stating why they want to win this giveaway and in case someone wins they have to redeem their prizes within one week of establishing contact.



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WordPress SEO plugin review: WP full SEO review and giveaway

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

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WP full SEO WordPress plugin
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WordPress SEO Plugin Review : WP Full SEO Review and Giveaway

18 thoughts on “WordPress SEO Plugin Review : WP Full SEO Review and Giveaway”

  1. Looks to be a great SEO plugin, got almost all the features that a WordPress user needs to do SEO on his website or blog. Thanks a lot for review and the awesome giveaway 🙂

  2. This is the only plugin I have used on all my blogs and will use always. Eager to use such an tremendous features of premium version if I win. Hope I would be the one who gets chance to explore the full version of SEO by yoast.

  3. This is the best plugin for SEO I ever used. I have used the free version on all my blogs and will use the premium version on TheGeekyWorld.com which I have started but will start working on it soon cauz busy with other blogs right now. Eager to use the the above mentioned premium plugin features. Hope I would get chance to win the giveaway and use the premium plugin.

  4. Have seen this plugins and even tested on my website for the seo purpose. It seems to me that they are planning to incorporate almost every myth and science inside this SEO plugins but you never ever mentioned how may extra tables they are adding in the WordPress database and the second point is – Do they are also seeding our title with google queries like we see in yoast seo plugin for easy synonyms. The more table the more it will take time to load your blog and if it increase the loading time of your blog then forget about the SEO factor added by this wonderful plugins. Waiting for your valuable points on these issues.

    • I tested this plugin on a test site with minimum load conditions. The true load factor can only be seen when this plugin is tested under really heavy conditions, as for speed the plugin had a minimal impact on the load time of a website optimized by me.

  5. Hello, Aditya Nath. I came here as an referral through one of my friend. Actually I have a doubt before entering in the Giveaway. I have made accounts on Pinterest and Twitter with my one gmail account but I am using my FB account with another gmail account. I asked this because my friend told me you have to like FB page, twitter, g+ and pinterest. Am I still eligble to win this contest or have chance to win with different email IDs?

    Thanks & Regards


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