Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise : 2nd Anniversary

Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise Happy Birthday to you Inspire2rise.com, yup fellas today we are celebrating our 2nd Anniversary. Inspire2rise.com was founded on 7th December 2011. Let’s tell you an interesting story. This website started as an accident, and that’s why such an unprofessional looking name for the website of someone who is himself a domain name suggester.

I was referred some informational package by a multi level marketing company and some of my friends had joined it. We all though it to be an easy way to earn quick bucks. But the sales and marketing thing was too much of non creative stuff for me. I loved information technology. I loved the web. So I focused on what I had in hand.

This website was a part of a multi-niche effort to become a ground for conversation. The effort still needs to be amplified in order to meet the original goal. But I can say that in two years we have reached close to making this something great. I would like to clarify the usage of “WE” here. “We” means you and me, because alone I am nothing, but together we can change things. Change the world.

Let’s take a look back on all the Blockbuster posts that we made so far, and let’s see whether we are still relevant to the changing internet landscape.

Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise : A sneak peek into the past.


Mind control. Well this is what happens to blind followers. We were reportedly threatened with legal action when we published a post against so called spiritual guru “Nirmal Baba”. That was like a hilarious episode for me that one fine morning I get a court notice for a post that I had written a year ago. We removed it keeping in mind all the viewpoints. But still, that post was a gem.

I still have it backed up. We will surely bring it back when I am big enough to go the legal way.

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Who needs SWAG, when you know YOGA :P xD
Who needs SWAG, when you know YOGA 😛 xD


I posted trolls along the way. It takes lot of time in making good trolls. So I still do it. But only as a hobby now.

What’s the use of copying trolls from other websites, if you are not creating your own. So the posting of troll images decreased with time.







Inspiration and motivation was something which was shared from the first day here. Earlier it was just images, now I share full fledged write ups regarding motivation, and how to stay motivated.







I shared my own music too on this site. Considering that this is a multi niche site and I am the owner, I didn’t do much of a sin it seems! 😛

Check my music on my own page on Inspire2rise – Aditya Nath Jha.


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Blogging for a long period of time gave me insights into how the stuff worked. I learned SEO, content writing, website speed optimization, WordPress, CSS, PHP and other stuff. Blogging then became one of the main sub  niches on Inspire2rise.com. This is because many bloggers liked my content and found it to be useful.


behind google's tech avatar


This specific post was a result of observation for extended periods of time regarding how and why Google services work the way they work. I got much appreciation for this one. Many people were shocked to know that free services come at a price. You have to pay with your sensitive data and privacy!



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Happy Birthday to you Inspire2rise : Our current design by Famethemes!



Our association with Famethemes founder a.k.a TOan Nguyen Minh started back in early 2013 when Famethemes was still known as UXDE.net.

This guy guided me in terms of design, professionalism and other stuff that I still didn’t understand. He built my passion for fast and clean websites which later manifested itself in the form of Cacheable.

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Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise


Then  I won a giveaway at MashinMedia.com by Ifham Khan. Seriously, the guy makes some of the best logos in town. P.S. I am a logo designer myself! This logo change marked my entry as someone seriously into blogging and internet marketing. I got my own business cards printed, started building offline presence and branding of my blog.




cacheable co - about us inspire2rise


Cacheable.co is one of my own free initiatives. I made this service for webmasters who needed to speed up their websites. With over 50+ sites optimized and a current pending list of 10 people, this service made me loose my breath. I made something and I was myself too busy to give my whole soul to it. Currently it is undergoing redesign. My friend Jithin Mathew from Bagics.com is helping me with the complicated stuff.





I am often criticized for acting like Inspire2rise is something which is too good site, or people come up with offensive remarks like this site doesn’t hold a candle to all the other awesome websites already present on the web. I know this is far from being anywhere close to the best. But here I am trying. Trying since two years. Look I came till here.
So, if you tried then maybe you too could do what you wanted to. Don’t focus on what we are doing. Focus what needs to be done to make your life better. Try to look at the big picture. Try to make the planet better.

In the words of Michael Jackson,

I respect the secrets and magic of nature. That’s why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening, that every second, I hear, the size of a football field is torn down in the Amazon. I mean, that kind of stuff really bothers me. That’s why I write these kinds of songs, you know. It gives some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people. I love the Planet, I love the trees. I have this thing for trees – the colors and changing of leaves. I love it. I respect those kind of things. I really feel that nature is trying so hard to compensate for man’s mismanagement of the planet. Because the planet is sick, like a fever. If we don’t fix it now, it’s at the point of no return. This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have, where it’s like a runway train. And the times has come, This Is It. People are always saying,’They’ll take care of it. The government’ll, Don’t worry, they’ll. ‘They’ who? It starts with us. It’s us. Or else it’ll never be done. We have few years to get it right. After that it would be irreversible. Let’s take care of the planet.

Stay Inspired to rise!
Think Different.

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ahppy birthday to you inspire2rise anniversary


Connect with us @Inspire2rise ! Book mark the Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise : 2nd Anniversary post today!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise : 2nd Anniversary

3 thoughts on “Happy birthday to you Inspire2rise : 2nd Anniversary”

  1. Congrats Aditya for completing 2 year and getting PR2 as a gift from Google 😉

    You are doing great job. Keep sharing and good luck for future 🙂

  2. Great work mate, Congratulations for being consistent on your blog for 2 years. I’d say you’ve done a great at your blog. Be sure to be consistent in upcoming days and provide us more awesome posts. Thanks


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