[INFOGRAPHIC] Why you should marry a Blogger?

Every once in a while we create something that is unique. Multiply it by x2 for the people here at Inspire2rise.com, this time I have come with a brand new infographic Why you should marry a Blogger. Though it may not look so professional or out of the box, but I have tried my best to make it look like a work of art, which it is. I had the idea for this infographic since past few months. I thought of making a fun infographic which could capture the essence of the thought that why is a Blogger an awesome human being and why an average blogger is different in many ways from the general masses. This post is intended to bridge the social divide between Bloggers and the rest of the population. This is a fun post with no intentions to hurt the sentiments of any person, community, or any group. 

If you are a BLOGGER, you are bound by the legal law of RIGHT TO AWESOMENESS. If you do not share this post your Adsense earnings will stagnate, affiliates would be displeased and unknown people would start filing DMCA against you.
Just kidding fellas, but it would make this world a happier place if you do share this post! 😀

Why you should marry a Blogger?

infographic why you should marry a blogger
Why you should Marry a Blogger Infographic.

NOTE : For the sake of your well being I would suggest with all humbleness to keep your logic and critical mind aside.

If you are a male and you marry a female blogger then it gives you the added benefit of having a life partner who would understand your sarcasm.

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Bloggers having good earnings are an added bonus for those looking for a partner who can add financial stability to their lives! 😛


The data, facts and figures used in this infographic may be old, but not old enough to be discredited. All information is still relevant in the current context.

This Infographic is the goddamn property of Inspire2rise.com and you can’t reproduce it anywhere without linking back to this original post. Else, the Thunder Gods will smite you. Just kidding, no one is gonna smite you but it can be a serious cause of guilt to you! 😛

You are free to publish this infographic as a blog post on your sites, just link back to original post!


 <p><strong>Please include attribution to https://www.inspire2rise.com/ with this graphic.</strong><br /><br /><a href='https://www.inspire2rise.com/infographic-why-you-should-marry-a-blogger.html'><imgsrc='https://www.inspire2rise.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/infographic-why-you-should-marry-a-blogger.jpg' alt='[INFOGRAPHIC] Why you should marry a Blogger?' width='600PX' border='0' /></a></p>


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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

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[INFOGRAPHIC] Why you should marry a Blogger?

35 thoughts on “[INFOGRAPHIC] Why you should marry a Blogger?”

  1. Aditya, Awesome Info graphic and Nice research done (y).
    People are ignorant about the power of blogging, you’ve made a right article to show them that what blogging is all about and what a blogger can do.
    You’ve uplifted the standards of blogging dude, you are doing great job!
    Keep it up, Good Luck!?

  2. Nice inforgraph Aditya 🙂

    I agree with your views and thanks for revealing some blogging stats for us 🙂

    Also, it is good to read about some great blog founders and am proud to be a blogger 🙂

  3. Your efforts are highly appreciable for creating such an awesome infographic on this particular topic Aditya. When I read it first time It made some laugh somewhat. but you have presented the topic amazingly by using Graphics.
    Cheers !!!

  4. No doubt you said absolutely right that bloggers have emotion stability due to low low earning =D. But if a blogger can convenience to visitor then he can convenience to any beautiful girl.

  5. Awesome work Aditya…..

    I am a blogger and software engineer and my wife too a blogger cum software engineer. We both are very much happy with each other.

    All the qualities you mentioned for a blogger are really true.

  6. I get inspired from Pete cashmore , i wanted to know which blogger is your inspiration ? By the Way AWESOME INFORGAPHIC


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