Introducing MyRefers : A peer to peer job referral network

My name is Aditya Nath Jha, most of you already know me. For those who don’t I would recommend you to go through this website once. For those who know me, let’s carry on this discussion further. You know that I love to share the content or stuff that strikes my heart. You also know that I share the content for which I get paid a good amount. So this post is about something I love, and for which I also got a good amount. Just kidding, there’s no money involved here folks. Just one on one straight to the heart talks about a start up that I am currently working with. It’s one of the 50 hottest tech start ups in India according to a list compiled by Microsoft and it’s also one of the few ideas that I personally liked. Seriously friends I won’t use much hyperbole or praise, so here we are introducing MyRefers, a peer to peer job referral network started by Mr. Lalit Bhagia.

Introducing MyRefers : The idea and how it works

The idea of MyRefers is simple, it connects your social circle with employers and the connection is you. You sign up for the MyRefers platform and then you become the person who refers the right people for the right job. Some one like me would say now, “What’s the catch?” The catch is that you earn a cool referral fee when you refer the right candidate who is hired for a particular job.

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Introducing MyRefers : What is in it for individuals?

Here you can connect all your social networks at one place. ( Remember Klout folks? ) This solves the hassle of finding and keeping a list of the right people for the right job.
Individuals can even earn a referral of up-to maximum 2 lakhs ( the highest referral amount for a job on the website as of for now)

Introducing MyRefers : What is in it for Employers?

Employers can receive the applications referred to them by users of the website who would definitely refer a good candidate because of the incentive that they can be eligible to get. This would make sure quality candidates are referred for the jobs. Though the employers would have to shell out some money but it would save them the hassle of finding the candidates through their own efforts and would also cut down on the number of wrong people applying for a job.

So go and sign up today, and start referring, start earning.

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Introducing MyRefers : Subscribe to email alerts!

DISCLAIMER : I am an intern at MyRefers and I have not been paid a single cent to write this review, though I would have liked if some dollars were involved. But trust me guys, the idea is awesome and there’s scope to earn some big money here!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Introducing MyRefers : A peer to peer job referral network

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