Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need?

Brand identity or an online presence is very essential in these days. This time, this generation of fickle minded people with 10 second attention spans is too tough to be in. Today people see something, and it is forgotten the very next day. So, creating a solid online presence, a brand identity is very important. A brand and brand value is made only with consistent display of what the brand is and what the brand does. The topic of today’s discussion here at Inspire2rise is Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need? And we will try to find out why.

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Brand Identity vs short term money : The basics of building a brand.

A Brand is what the people remember an organization as. Xerox is a brand in this case. Do you know why? It’s because most of the people don’t say that they have to get something photocopied, they say let’s Xerox this. This shows total brand domination. Remember Nokia? Back in my father’s time people didn’t have a mobile phone. They had a Nokia.

When an organization becomes synonymous with the service it provides, then we can say that it has truly achieved a brand status.

Brand Identity vs short term money building brands

Brand Identity vs short term money brand value
Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need? Ask yourself.
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Now let’s think from the other perspective. What if you need the quick money?

There are some internet marketers who are out there only to earn quick bucks. It is also a good strategy considering that the main motive is to earn maximum money in the minimum time span. We have all sorts of people, for example domineers, flippers etc. who earn money and don’t want to create a specific brand identity.

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But we would suggest that it is best to standardize even this type of service. Consider this :- You are a serial flipper, so why not create a website like Flippa but with your own unique touch and idea to it.

Brand Identity vs short term money futurama
Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need?

But if we look at the negative points then there are some things to look out for. Creating and sustaining a brand is a long time effort. Anyone can make a product, service or blog. But a brand requires persistence, dedication, inspiration and motivation. And not to forget lots of hard work from the beginning. You have to ingrain the thought of your brand into the mind of your user base. Do you know why Mashable is such a hit website. It started as a blog. But from the very start the focus was on creating something unique. That’s what a brand is all about. Offering value to the end users. Even if it meant that Pete Cashmore had to sleep a little less at nights. Or hunt around whole day for new ideas. He did it. And the result is with us today. Mashable is one of the greatest individual blogs in the world with a user base which is expanding. Take Huffington post too. All of these are creation of the principle of consistent value to the user.

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So, if you don’t have that much time to build a brand then you should stay away and focus on the quick bucks. But if you are a far sighted person and want to create something disruptive to the current flow. Then I would suggest create an own brand for yourself. Though it may take years. But in the end if you really have a good brand identity, then no one can stop the cash inflow.

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Another example is of Nishant Shrivastava. He is the maker of the “Web keeday” network which comprises of GeekBlogtips, Filmy Keeday and maybe a few more. Such is the power of his branding on Social media that the keyword “Keeday” is now associated with him.

Once a set platform is made and established money can be made in a more sustainable manner. As opposed to hunting daily or weekly for more online work. Yes, I will admit that creating a brand takes more than blood and sweat. It takes passion. Passion for the cause you are working for.

So, firstly ask yourself. Are you passionate enough? And then ask yourself, “Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need?”

Leave your comments, ask us. We are here to answer all your questions!

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Aditya Nath Jha is an Engineer from New Delhi, India. His areas of interest include Gadgets, WordPress, speed optimization & latest technology. When he is not busy blogging he loves to write poetry, compose his own songs and has a taste for music! Find him on Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Instagram. And watch his videos on YouTube.

Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need?

6 thoughts on “Brand Identity vs short term money : What do you need?”

  1. You have really touched me with this post, to me I prefer creating a brand than looking for some quick bucks with quick end. Because with creating a brand it allows you to get passive income and you will be remembered for and known for your brand.

    Thanks, nice post

  2. Hello,

    Their is no doubt about branding that it’s really important to build online reputation or branding. In order to build a success in online business, branding comes in picture. You’ve shared awesome tips about it.


  3. Brand Identity is my choice. I have seen a lot of bloggers making lot of bucks in short time, but then Humming Bird killed them. 🙂


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